9 Weeks of Blood & Sweat

9 Weeks of Blood & Sweat

Working out has NEVER...EVER been something I enjoyed. Nor has going to the gym ever been fun for me. This past year or so I seriously just wasn't "feeling" in the mood to work out or run so I turned into a huge couch potato that only enjoyed eating awesome food and watching Netflix. Horrible, right?! LOL! After months of doing nothing healthy for myself I decided to turn over a new leaf & whip myself into shape. Yes, FINALLY! Now, I'll be honest about this guys, the real reason behind this is that Giray and I have booked ourselves a 3 yr wedding anniversary trip to Tulum, Mexico and there's absolutely no way I'm going to pop out looking like a noodle in my swim suit or bikini ;) haha.

So, I started working out for about 20 - 30 minutes after work every day doing exercises that focus on toning the areas that "need work" like my bum, arms and legs. I'm only on week 2 and have already started noticing some changes in my body and my over all mood; I feel happier and full of energy.

While at Whole Foods the other day I found this local (it's important to support your locals!) organic protein powder called Superfood Protein Medley by Oriya which you can buy here. It's super delicious, non-GMO, organic, Vegan and Gluten free aaaand you can make so many different snacks with it. I've been making myself a shake with this protein powder with my breakfast and one after my work out.


The shake has: 1 banana, 1/4 cup of frozen pineapple, a handful of spinach, 1/2 cup of milk or almond milk and 1 scoop of protein powder



These little snacks are made from organic peanut butter/almond butter, Oriya protein powder, a pinch of salt, organic honey and organic coconut.

It's been a tough 2 weeks so far keeping up with my work out and eating healthy, especially with so much temptation around, but I'm already seeing the positive changes that come with it so this little 9 week binge might just turn into a lifestyle for me. At least I hope it does.

You can visit Oriya's website (http://oriyaorganics.com) for other products and more info on the protein powder I'm using. Cheers to a healthy lifestyle ya'll! GO SWEAT!

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