Good Food and Good Company

Good Food and Good Company

So, a few weeks back I wrote about date night and how important it is for a relationship to have that sort of "special" time set aside for the both you, together, to just enjoy each other's company and i'm pleased to say Giray and I have been doing pretty darn well keeping up with our Friday date nights. I mean, obviously things will come up and there will have to be a change of plans but we've kept up with as much as humanly possibly, haha. ANYWAY, so on one of our most recent date nights we went to a little place called Whiskey Cake. Everything we've ordered has been awesome...especially the rotisserie chicken sandwich with avocado and bacon and havarti...omg...YUMMMMM! You guys HAVE to get this if you go. You'll regret nothing! haha.

A few photos...

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See what i mean guys?! Also, the mac n cheese is everything!

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The ONE thing about this place is that there's usually a long wait. So we ordered some drinks and went to sit on these cute swing chairs in front of a nice little fire place. Yeah, I know it's summer and in Texas BUT to be fair it was a little chilly inside and the fire wasn't like a super intense fire...I think it was purely decorative. haha.

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My handsome date, cheesin ;)

Cheers to more date nights and sandwiches at Whiskey Cake! hehehe...

Wedding Weekend

Wedding Weekend
