We've Moved - New City, Who Dis?

We've Moved - New City, Who Dis?

So, after much travel and living like gypsies all over the globe - lol, we've moved and settled (for now) in Austin. Giray and I have always loved Austin so we're pretty happy with our new hood, haha - there's just so much to do and eat and drink! Seriously, there's so many cool little spots to hang out and eat I had to make a list in my notes to keep track. Anyway, as we explore our new city, I'll be sure to report back to you guys :) .  

// Despues de haber vivido como gitanos aqui y alla, en Estados Unidos y en Turkia, finalmente decidimos quedarnos quietos (por ahora) en Austin. Nos mudamos hace unas dos semanas y estamos super felices de estar en esta ciudad tan "cool", jaja. Hay demasiado q' explorar, comer y beber q' hasta tuve q' hacer una lista! Ya q' vaya explorando los lugares mas chidos en Austin les reportare q' tal. 

The first spot we hit up in Austin was SoCo (South Congress area). It's been one of our favorite places/areas to hang out together since way back when we began dating - we've had so many slices of pizza, beer and macaroons, oh and good memories too, lol, so it has a special place in our hearts <3

// El primer lugar q' visitamos en Austin fue SoCo (South Congress). Es uno de nuestros lugares favoritos desde q' andabamos de novios - nos hemos comido como mil rebanadas de pizza, cerveza y macaroons ahi, y pues claro tambien tenemos super lindas memorias de nuestros dias ahi asi q' SoCo tiene un lugar MUY especial en nuestros corazones.  

H E L L O,  A U S T I N . . .

H O L A,  A U S T I N . . .

Dress: Vintage find 

Shoes: Old Skool Vans (here)

Sunnies: Rayban (here)


#Vans #MyVans #OldSkoolVans #Rayban #Vintage 

My Favorite Beauty Products

My Favorite Beauty Products

A Morning at the Botanical Gardens

A Morning at the Botanical Gardens